We Help Chiros Avoid the Common Pitfalls That Make It Virtually Impossible To Get Paid Like A Top One Percent Doctor
We Help Chiros Avoid the Common Pitfalls That Make It Virtually Impossible To Get Paid Like A Top One Percent Doctor
find out what’s stopping you from Becoming a top One percent doctor
Book a strategy call and we'll create a custom roadmap to add $15,000 in the next 30 days
(with your current services and without spending money on ads)
Solutions for Doctors Who Want to Add
$15k, $50k or even $300k Per Month
We Guarantee You've Never Seen These Strategies Before
"Behind the Marketing" Docuseries
  • Every month we show you how our practice did, including financials. You get to see the exact ads we're running and new strategies we're testing. And we don't hold anything back... you get to see exactly what works but also our eff-ups!
  • Learn WHY most advertising produces poor-quality patients who can't afford your services and what you should do instead.
  • Get the honest TRUTH about how we book an average 196 high-quality new patients every month and why it's so much easier than you ever imagined!
  •  And much, much more!
The ETP Strategy Training
  • The ETP is the #1 missing link that keeps chiros from getting paid like a top one percent doctor, no matter how hard they try!
  • Why you should NEVER trust people who tell you to bundle services and what you should do instead.
  • The honest TRUTH about collecting $1,000,000 in cash-pay and why it can be so much easier than you ever imagined!
  • And how to triple you cash-pay revenue in the next 30 days, without running ads!
NA3 Done-for-Your Marketing
  • Now you can "piggyback" and hire my in-house marketing team to run the exact same 'native' ads that generate an average $219,378 in cash-pay collections, every month!
  • We'll show you the #1 reason why chiropractic advertising works at first but then stops (and why it keeps happening no matter how many different ad agencies you try!)
  • Get the honest TRUTH about Facebook and Google ads and why it can be so much easier than you ever imagined to get high-quality patients!
  • And it's all done for you, including my in-house call center booking appointments on YOUR calendar!
What does it mean to be a top 1% doctor?

We all have blind spots that hold us back.  That's why professional athletes (even the top one percent) have coaches.  I just wished I had realized that sooner because I wasted so many years trying to figure it out myself.  Dr. Mike literally saved my practice and helped me finally grow to one million in annual collections.  Now, I'm on track to break two million.  He's been there, done that and simplifies the steps you need to take to finally get paid what you're worth or as he says to get paid as a top one percent doctor.
Dr. Gerald, Oklahoma City
Who is Dr. Mike Riley?
It was my worst nightmare come true...

I woke up to a notice on my phone that said my checking account was overdrawn (WTF?!?).

Come to find out...

BCBS took $177,338 from my checking account overnight.

I couldn’t believe it…

I worked my rear off to earn that money…

I had provide patients with exceptional care and truly helped people get better…

And then, BCBS simply took it all away in the snap of a finger!

All because they make and interpret the rules how they see fit?!

So, everything I had built… everything I had in the bank was gone.

That week I had to pull from my personal savings just to make payroll for my staff.

(as you can probably relate with your spouse - my wife was not happy about that)

I started the process of appealing it with BCBS… but quickly realized that wouldn’t solve anything.

Plus, why would I bite the hand that feeds me, right?

This is when I remembered the definition of insanity… doing the same thing but expecting a different result.

That forced me to rethink everything I thought I knew about practicing chiropractic.

I knew I had to change…

I had to find a different way…

I needed to get off the hamster wheel of insurance.

I needed to create cash-pay services...

But how could I sell cash services and also be a provider?

That became my million-dollar question!
(literally a million-dollar question)

My search for answers led me to a conversation with a business consultant who explained a strategy that literally changed my life.

In my 23 years of practice, I have never seen anyone in Chiropractic use this strategy.

And honestly, it’s weird to me that no one is talking about it.

Because, it's a strategy that companies like Apple use to get people to wait in lines and pay higher prices! 

I won’t go into all the details now but here is what I learned:

The key to getting paid as a top 1% doctor has nothing to do with the services, therapies, or treatments you offer…

It has nothing to do with running ads or better marketing...

It’s not about buying new technology or better equipment…

It’s not about bundling services or creating treatment plans…

It's not about collaborating with an MD or hiring an NP...

The key is to make only ONE change with the services you already have.

This ONE change allowed me to build 13 chiropractic practices, that EACH grew to over $1,000,000 in cash-pay revenue, in their first year!

I went from working 60+ hours, 6 days a week to only working 4 days and having 3-day weekends, every week with my wife and kids!


How do I know?

Because there is nothing special about me!

Look, it took me a long time to get past my ego and admit this…

I’ve struggled to make payroll and pay my mortgage

I’ve wasted so much time and money on “the next big thing”

I’ve been sold “bull hockey” by advertising & marketing gurus

I’ve been on both sides… broke and wealthy.

But, as painful as these experiences were, they forced me to change for the better.

So, why am I sharing my secrets?

Because I truly believe chiropractors should be the most affluent doctors on the planet!

We are truly helping people and changing lives without drugs or surgery… that’s powerful!

And for that reason, every chiropractor deserves to be living the life of their dreams, getting paid as a top 1% doctor. 

Think about it, can you imagine a future where…

You’re not at the mercy of giant insurance companies,

You don’t have to fight claims to get paid what you’re worth,

You no longer have sleepless nights worrying about cash flow crunches.

Look, money isn’t everything but it’s the difference in having more time and resources to do the things you really enjoy with the people you love.

Now, here is a common mistake I see doctors make...

It's not a lack of knowledge that holds them back…

It's having the right strategy and the help to IMPLEMENT it.

That’s the problem with “chiropractic coaching” programs and “online courses”

They give you a lot of “ideas” but it's hard to figure out what works… and there is little to no help to implement it.

And if you’re like I was…

You don’t have time to figure it out on your own...

You don’t have time to waste making mistakes…

You need results fast!

If that’s you… then now is the time to make a chage!

So, here’s what I recommend now…

Don’t try to make a decision based on the limited info here on my website.

Instead, click the button below to schedule a call to find out if and how we might help you become a top 1% doctor.

Look, showing is always better than telling and I want you to see firsthand how you can become a top 1% doctor.

So, if you want to…

Add $15k, $50k or even $300k in revenue per month…

Reduce your dependency on insurance companies...

Finally get paid what you deserve for truly changing people's lives…

Then, go ahead and do this right here, right now, while you’re on this page and you’re thinking about it.

Click the button below and select a date & time that works best for you.

On the call we'll uncover the 3 biggest things that are holding you back.

Then, if I believe I can help you... 

I'll personally create a custom roadmap to add a minimum $15,000 in the next 30 days... with your current services and without spending money on ads.

No obligations... just actionable steps you can use.

Sound fair?

Then click the button below to book your strategy call and I look forward to helping you take your first step to becoming a top 1% doctor!
  •  We respect your privacy and promise never to rent or share your details with anybody without your consent

Schedule Your Free Call
to Map Out Your Steps to Become a Top One Percent Doctor